“We were fortunate, indeed, to have your participation in the Literary Arts Festival! Your presentations have generated enthusiastic responses—both from students and teachers.”—Wellesley Creative Arts Council, Massachusetts
“Ms. Greene enchanted our children. She made the name on a book jacket become a real person. The children began to realize that real people write children’s books.” —Anshe Emeth Temple, New Jersey
“I have always thought about being a writer when I get older. You have really inspired me.” —Sixth grade student, Brookline, Massachusetts
“As always, your visit was a resounding success! I hope you can feel how much the children enjoyed both your books and your presence. They are still talking about it. Of course, next year you will be on our agenda again.” —Teacher, Rockville, Maryland
“I always love learning about history…and loved your books. They literally sucked you in with the story! I loved the talk and thought it was so neat to have a well-known author sitting in our classroom actually talking in person with us!” —Fifth grade student, Rockville, Maryland
“Thank you for such a delightful evening! I can’t remember listening to an author I’ve enjoyed more. Your mix of information was just right—it was exactly what people came looking for. Readers are always interested in the secret life of authors.” —Director, Westborough Public Library, Massachusetts
“Thank you so much for your wonderful presentations. The children were enchanted…They particularly liked the hints you gave them for improving their writing…We also sold many copies of your books at the Book Fair. It was so much fun to have you here.”—Librarian, Sudbury, Massachusetts
Programs for Schools, Libraries,
and Book Fairs
I work with teachers and staff to create a presentation that meets their interests and curriculum. Here are just a few topics to spark your own ideas.
His Story, Her Story: How I use history to create characters and tell a fictional story. This talk may include personal anecdotes about how I wrote one or more of my historical novels: The Leveller (Massachusetts, 1779); Out of Many Waters (Brazil and New Amsterdam, 1654); One Foot Ashore (Amsterdam, Rembrandt’s home, 1654), The Rebecca Rubin series (New York City,1914).
The Writer’s Life: My daily writing habits are revealed (even the messy ones!), along with the mysterious writing process, from idea to publication. It always includes the joys and headaches of rewriting, and lots of writing tips for budding authors.
The Story Behind Rebecca: Fans of American Girl’s Rebecca Rubin books love to hear how I created her character. The talk includes the path from research, personal stories, and visits to historical sites in New York City to create the core stories, mysteries, and time-travel adventures. An emphasis on immigration is often the topic that makes the program perfect for audiences of all ages and backgrounds.
Programs for Teachers, Writers, Librarians, and Conferences
I enjoy speaking to professional groups on topics that relate to my books, to children’s literature, and to the interests of the organization. Here are just two ideas to spark your own plans for a presentation.
Sharing History Through Fiction: This presentation focuses on how educators and librarians can use historical fiction to introduce young readers to characters that make history come alive. It includes references to several of my fiction and non-fiction books.
Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Writing Children’s Books (But Didn’t Know Who to Ask): Adult audiences flock to programs about how to write and publish children’s books. The program can speak about children’s books in general, or focus on one genre, such as picture books, folk tales and fables, chapter books, mysteries, or non-fiction.
“By meeting with young audiences, I hope to show the process behind the pages, and the way creative thinking becomes a form that can be shared.”
—Jacqueline Greene
I have visited schools, libraries, book fairs, parent-child book groups, and professional conferences throughout the United States and Canada. I speak to student audiences from first through eighth grade. I also present programs and workshops to college classes and adult groups.
Each program is specifically designed for the interests and ages of the audience. Book signings can be arranged following presentations.
Fees vary, depending on the number of programs and travel distance. Email me for details: greenecom@comcast.net
Comments from My Audiences